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Peer-reviewed Journals 

Bihn, J.H., Gebauer, G. & Brandl, R. (2010): Loss of functional diversity of ant assemblages in secondary tropical forests. Ecology, 91(3): 782-792.

Bihn, J.H., Verhaagh, M., Brändle, M. & Brandl, R. (2008): Do secondary forests act as refuges for old growth forest animals? Recovery of ant diversity in the Atlantic forest of Brazil . Biological Conservation 141: 733-743.

Bihn, J.H., Verhaagh, M. & Brandl, R. (2008): Ecological Stoichiometry along a Gradient of Forest Succession: Bait Preferences of Litter Ants. Biotropica 40(5): 597-599.

Boeger, M.R.T., Wisniewski, C. & Reissmann, C.B. (2005): Nutrientes foliares de espécies arbóreas de três estádios sucessionais de floresta ombrófila densa no sul do Brasil. Acta Bot. Bras. 19(1): 167-181.

Cheung, K.C., Marques, M.C.M. & Liebsch, D. (2009): Relação entre a presença de vegetação herbácea e a regeneração natural de espécies lenhosas em pastagens abandonadas na Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil. Acta Bot. Bras. 23: 1048-1056.

Dickow, K.M.C., Marques, R. & Pinto, C.B. (2009): Lixiviação de nutrientes da serapilheira recém depositada em sucessão ecológica na Floresta Atlântica, litoral do Paraná. Floresta, 39: 145-156.

Dickow, K.M.C., Marques, R. & Pinto, C.B. (2009): Nutrient composition of mature and litter leaves and nutrient mobilization in leaves of tree species from secondary rainforests in the South of Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 52: 1099 -1106.

Ferretti, A.R. & de Britez, R.M. (2006): Ecological restoration, carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation: The experience of the Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education (SPVS) in the Atlantic Rain Forest of southern Brazil . Journal of Nature Conservation 14: 249-259.

Gießelmann, U.C., Martins, K.G., Brändle, M., Schädler, M., Marques, R. & Brandl, R. (2010): Diversity and ecosystem functioning: Litter decomposition dynamics in the Atlantic rainforest. Applied Soil Ecology, doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.07.006

Höfer, H. & Ott, R. (2009): Estimating biomass of Neotropical spiders and other arachnids (Araneae, Opiliones, Pesudoscorpiones, Ricinulei) by mass-length regressions. Journal of Arachnology 37(2): 160-169.

Hopp, P., Ottermanns, R., Caron, E., Meyer, S. & Roß-Nickoll, M. (2010): Recovery of litter inhabiting beetle assemblages during forest regeneration in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 3: 103-113.

Leitão, F.H.M., Marques, M.C.M. & Ceccon, E. (2010): Young restored forests increase seedling recruitment in abandoned pastures in the Southern Atlantic rainforest. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.), 58 (4): 1271-1282.

Liebsch, D., Goldenberg, R. & Marques, M.C.M. (2007): Florística e estrutura de comunidades vegetais em uma cronoseqüência de Floresta Atlântica no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Acta. Bot. Bras. 21(4): 983-992.

Liebsch, D., Marques, M.C.M. & Goldenberg, R. (2008): How long does the Atlantic Rain Forest take to recover after a disturbance? Changes in species composition and ecological features in the secondary succession. Biological Conservation 141(6): 1717-1725.

Marques, M.C.M., Burslem, D., Britez, R., Silva, S. (2009): Dynamics and diversity of flooded and unflooded forests in a Brazilian Atlantic rain forest: a 16-year study. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2: 57-64.

Marques, M.C.M., Fischer, E.A. (2009): Effect of bats on seed spatial distribution and germination of Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae). Ecotropica, 15: 1-6.

Marques, M.C.M., Oliveira, P.E.A.M. (2008): Seasonal rhythms of seed rain and seedling emergence in two tropical rain forests in southern Brazil . Plant Biology, 10: 596-603.

Moser, T. & Frankenbach, S. (2009): Methodological adaptation for nematode extraction in forest soils of the southern Mata Atlântica. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 44(8): 975-980.

Pinto, C.B. & Marques, R. (2003): Aporte de nutrientes por frações da serapilheira em sucessão ecológica de um ecossistema da Floresta Atlântica. Floresta 33(3): 257-264.

Protil, C.Z., Marques, R., Protil, R.M. (2009): Variação sazonal e redistribuição de biolementos de quatro espécies arbóreas em três tipologias florestais da Floresta Atlântica do Paraná. Floresta, 39: 699 - 717.

Römbke, J. (2007): Enchytraeidae of tropical soils: State of the art - with special emphasis on Latin America . Folia Facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis Biologia 110: 157-181.

Römbke, J., Collado, R. & Schmelz, R.M. (2005): Oligochaetes (Clitellata) of the Mata Atlântica ( Paraná , Brazil ) : first results of the SOLOBIOMA project. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 54(4): 302-309.

Römbke, J., Collado, R. & Schmelz, R.M. (2007): Abundance, distribution and indicator potential of enchytraeid genera (Enchytraeidae, Clitellata) in secondary forests and pastures of the Mata Atlântica (Paraná, Brazil ). Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 31: 139-150.

Römbke, J., Schmidt, P. & Höfer, H. (2009): The earthworm fauna of regenerating forests and anthropogenic habitats in the coastal region of Paraná. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 44(8): 1040-1049.

Schmelz, R.M., Collado, R. & Römbke, J. (2008): Mata Atlântica enchytraeids ( Paraná , Brazil ): The genus Achaeta (Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae). Zootaxa 1809: 1-35.

Schmelz, R.M., de la Pena, R. M. C. & Römbke, J. (2009): Benefits from ecological study methods to taxonomy of enchytraeids in southern Mata Atlântica. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 44(8): 861-867.

Schmidt, P., Dickow, K., Rocha, A. A., Marques, R., Scheuermann, L., Römbke, J., Foerster, B. & Höfer, H. (2008): Soil macrofauna and decomposition rates in southern Mata Atlântica rainforests. Ecotropica 14: 89-100.

Simões, C.G.; Marques, M.C.M. (2007): The role of sprouts in the restoration of an Atlantic Rain Forest in southern Brazil . – Restoration Ecology, 15: 53-59.

Souza, L. C. de, Marques, R. (2010): Fluxo de nutrientes em floresta ombrófila densa das terras baixas no litoral do Paraná. Floresta, 40: 125-136.

Publications for the (academic) public 

Fabry, R. (2005): Reinhard Maack. Pionier des Umweltschutzes in Südbrasilien (Paraná). UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 18(1): 37-40.

Fabry, R. (2005): Reinhard Maack: Kämpfer für den brasilianischen Regenwald. Tópicos 1/2005: 32-33.

Fabry, R. (2006): Fritz Müller - Pionier der Naturforschung und des Umweltschutzes in Südbrasilien (Santa Catarina): Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller, 31.3.1821 - 21.5.1897. UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 18(3): 175-179.

Fabry, R. & Römbke, J. (2006): Beitragsreihe "Pioniere des Umweltschutzes": Überblick. UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 18(2): 132-133.

Höfer, H. (2005): 100 Jahre Tropenforschung. Tópicos 1/2005: 34.

Höfer, H., Verhaagh, M. & Fabry, R. (2007): SOLOBIOMA - Bodenbiota und Biogeochemie in Küstenregenwäldern Südbrasiliens. Ein deutsch-brasilianisches Forschungsprojekt vor dem Hintergrund des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 19(2): 128-131.

Scheuermann, L. & Fabry, R. (2006): José Lutzenberger: Vater der brasilianischen Umweltbewegung. UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 18(4): 262-266.

Scheuermann, L. & Sturm, U. (2005): Brasilianisch-Deutsche Forschung zum Schutz der Mata Atlântica. Tópicos 1/2005: 30-31.

Schmidt, P. (2008): Vom Aussterben bedroht! Die essbare Kohlpalme Euterpe edulis. Natur und Museum 138(1/2): 19-25.

Verhaagh, M. (2005): Diversität und Ökologie von Ameisen in neotropischen Regenwäldern (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologie heute 17: 119-145.

Verhaagh, M. & Bihn, J.H. (2007): Die Patres Thomas Borgmeier und Walter Kempf. Zwei deutsch-brasilianische Franziskaner als Pioniere der südamerikanischen Ameisenkunde. UWSF-Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 19(2): 123-127.

Submitted and in press 

Höfer, H., Bihn, J., Borges, C., Britez, R.M. de, Brandl, R., Fabry, R., Jetzkowitz, J., Kahle, H.-P., Marques, R., Ottermanns, R., Paulsch, D., Römbke, J., Ross-Nickoll, M., Verhaagh, M. (in press): InBioVeritas – Valuating nature in the southern Mata Atlântica of Brazil. – Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1 (2010): International Symposium in Paris on Ecological Engineering – from concepts to applications.

Schmelz, R.M., Collado, R., Römbke, J. (submitted to Zootaxa April 2010): Mata Atlântica enchytraeids ( Paraná , Brazil ): Xetadrilus, a new genus with three new species, and four new species of Guaranidrilus (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta).

Other relevant publications by project members 

Bauch, J., Quiros, L., Noldt, G. & Schmidt, P. (2006): Study on the wood anatomy, annual wood increment and intra-annual growth dynamics of Podocarpus oleifolius var. macrostachyus from Costa Rica . Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 80: 19-24.

Breure, A.M. & Römbke, J. (2005): Editorial: The ecological classification and assessment of soils. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 62(2): 185-186.

Breure, A.M. & Römbke, J. (2005): Special Issue: Ecological Soil Quality. Classification and assessment. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 62(2): 187-188.

Breure, A.M., Mulder, C., Römbke, J. & Ruf, A. (2005): Ecological classification and assessment concepts in soil protection. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 62(2): 211-229.

Brown, G.G., Römbke, J., Höfer, H., Verhaagh, M., Sautter, K.D. & Santan a, D.L.Q. (2006). Biodiversity and function of soil animals in Brazilian agroforestry systems. In: Gama-Rodrigues, A.C. et al. (eds.): Sistemas agroflorestais. Bases científicas para o desenvolvimento sustentável: 217- 242; Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ.

Höfer, H. & Brescovit, A.D. (2001): Species and guild structure of a Neotropical spider assemblage (Araneae) from Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brazil. Andrias 15: 99-120.

Höfer, H., Hanagarth, W., Garcia, M., Martius, C., Franklin, E., Römbke, J. & Beck, L. (2001): Structure and function of soil fauna communities in Amazonian anthropogenic and natural ecosystems. European Journal of Soil Biology 37: 229-235.

Klingenberg, C. & Verhaagh, M. (2007): a new online resource for ant taxonomists. Biológico 69(supl.2): 435-437.

Marques, M.C.M. & Oliveira, P.E.A.M. (2004): Fenologia de espécies do dossel e do subbosque de duas Florestas de Restinga na Ilha do Mel, sul do Brasil. Revista Brasil. Bot. 27(4): 713-723.

Marques, R. (2006): Caracterização química da fertilidade do solo (Capítulo VI). In: Lima, M.R.: Diagnóstico e recomendaçôes de manejo do solo: aspectos teóricos e metodológicos. UFPR/Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curitiba, Brazil: 99-124.

Rabeling, C., Verhaagh, M. & Engels, W. (2007): Comparative study of nest architecture and colony structure of the fungus-growing ants, Mycocepurus goeldii and M. smithii. Journal of Insect Science 7(40): 1-13.

Rabeling, C., Brown, J.M. & Verhaagh, M. (2008): Newly discovered sister lineage sheds light on early ant evolution. PNAS published September 15, 2008,doi:10.1073/pnas.0806187105.

Römbke, J. & Breure, A.M. (2005): Status and outlook of ecological soil classification and assessment concepts. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 62: 300-308.

Römbke, J., Breure, A. M., Mulder, C. & Rutgers, M. (2005): Legislation and ecological quality assessment of soil: implementation of ecological inidacation systems in Europe. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 62(2): 201-210.

Römbke, J., Höfer, H., Garcia, M.V.B, Martius, C. (2006): Feeding activities of soil organisms at four different forest sites in Central Amazonia using the bait lamina method. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 313-320.

Römbke, J., Eisenträger, A., Hund-Rinke, K., Jänsch, S., Neumann-Hensel, H., & Weber, G. (2006): Handlungsempfehlung für die ökotoxikologische Beurteilung von Böden. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen aus dem Verbundvorhaben ERNTE (Erprobung und Vorbereitung einer praktischen Nutzung ökotoxikologischer Testsysteme). Sidus Verlag, 42 S.

Römbke, J. (2007): Searching for a standardization of quantitative terrestrial oligochaete sampling methods: The ISO methodology. In: Brown, G.G. & Fragoso, C. (eds.): Minhocas na América Latina: Biodiversidade e Ecologia. EMBRAPA Soja, Londrina, Brazil: 491-499.

Römbke, J., Jänsch, S. & Garcia, M.V.B. (2007): Earthworms as bioindicators (in particular for the influence of land use). In: Brown, G.G. & Fragoso, C. (eds.): Minhocas na América Latina: Biodiversidade e Ecologia. EMBRAPA Soja, Londrina, Brazil: 449-460.

Schmelz, R.M. & Collado, R. (2007): Revision of Hemienchytraeus stephensoni (Cognetti, 1927) (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta). Olia Facultatis scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis Biologia 110: 67-85.

Schmidt, P., Lieberei, R., Bauch, J. & Gasparottp, L. (2006): Baumarten zum Aufbau nachhaltiger Mischkultursysteme in Zentralamazonien. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft 91: 155-174.

Verhaagh, M. (2005): Diversität und Ökologie von Ameisen in neotropischen Regenwäldern (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologie heute 17: 119-145.

Verhaagh, M. & Klingenberg, C. (2007): Digitization of types, a new tool in modern ant taxonomy. Ber. Nat. -med. Verein Innsbruck Suppl. 17: 251.

Abstracts and other publications 

Almeida, E.R.C.D., Rocha, A.A., Marques, R. & Graff Neto, J. (2005): Concentração e conteúdo de nutrientes em frações da serapilheira de um fragmento florestal em fase avançada na Floresta Atlântica no Paraná. XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo.

Almeida, E.R.C.D., Marques, R.M., Rocha, A.A., & Protil, C.Z. (2006): Deposição de serapilheira em diferentes fases sucessionais da Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas. Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da UFPR, Curitiba.

Berté, L., Marques, R. & Piazza, G.E. (2003): Dinâmica hidrológica em sucessão ecológica da Floresta Ombrófila das Terras Baixas no litoral paranaense. 11. Evento de Iniciação Cientifica da UFPR.

Berté, L., Marques, R., Piazza, G.E., & Schwarzbach, J. (2003): Contribuição de Floresta Atlântica em regeneração para a deposição de nitrogênio e potássio através da água da chuva. Seminário Nacional Degradação Ambiental. Foz do Iguaçu, Seminário Nacional Degradação e Recuperação Ambiental - Perspectiva Social, Curitiba: FUPEF.

Berté, L., Piazza, G.E. & Marques, R. (2003): Análise da dinâmica de precipitação, pH, N-NO3, P-P043 e K+ em componentes hidrológicos na Floresta Estadual do Palmito, Paranagua, PR.

Bihn, J.H. & Verhaagh, M. (2008): Ants as environmental indicators in the Mata Atlântica. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Borges, C.R.S. & Höfer, H. (2004): Land use, forest regeneration, and conservation in the Atlantic Rainforests of Paraná, Brazil - Why study the soil fauna? In: E. Beck, W.G. Berendson, M. Boutros, M. Denich, K. Henle, N. Jürgens, M. Kirk & V. Wolters (eds.): Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity - A challenge for society. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Berlin, 1-4 December 2003. PT-DLR Environmental Research, Bonn: 71-73.

Brown, G.G., Sautter, K.D. & Römbke, J. (2007): Biodiversität, Schutz und nachhaltiges Management von Bodenorganismen: Das 15th Internationale Kolloquium zur Bodenzoologie. Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 37(1): 6-7.

Brüske, J.A., Marques, R., & Souza, L.C. (2005): Dinâmica da Precipitação, pH e nutrientes na Floresta Estadual do Palmito, Paranaguá/PR. 13 Evento de Iniciação Cientifica na UFPR 2005, Curitiba.

Brüske, J.A., Marques, R., & Souza, L.C. (2006): Dinâmica da Precipitação, pH e nutrientes na Floresta Estadual do Palmito, Paranaguá/PR. 14 Evento de Iniciação Cientifica na UFPR 2006, Curitiba.

Dickow, K.M.C., Rocha, A.A.R., Marques, R., Schmidt, P. & Höfer, H. (2007): Decomposição foliar de Tibouchina pulchra Cogn. e Sloanea guianensis Benth. em três tipologias de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana, Antonina, PR. XXXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo, 2007, Gramado. Conquistas e desafios da ciência do solo brasileira.

Dickow, K.M.C., Pinto, C.B. & Marques, R. (2005): 56° Congresso Nacional de Botânica. Anais do 56° Congresso Nacional de Botânica, Curitiba.

Dickow, K.M.C., Rocha, A.A., Marques, R., Höfer, H., Scheuermann, L., Römbke, J., Förster, B. & Schmidt, P. (2008): Soil Macrofauna Contribution in Decomposition Processes of Different Plant Species in the Southern Mata Atlântica. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Förster, B., Garcia, M.V.B. & Schallnass, H.-J. (1997): Respiration rates of soil invertebrates from the temperate zone and from the tropics measured by infra-red gas analysis. XIVth International Colloquium on Soil Zoology and Ecology.

Förster, B., Souza dos Santos, A., Marques, R., Rumpler, N. & Höfer, H. (2004): Characterization of the Microbial In-Situ Metabolic Activity in Soils of Secondary Forest of the Mata Atlântica. FERTBIO, V Reunião Brasileira de Biologia do Solo.

Höfer, H. (2004): The Biological Soil Classification Scheme - a management tool for the assessment of the conservation value of secondary forests in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. In: E. Beck, W.G. Berendson, M. Boutros, M. Denich, K. Henle, N. Jürgens, M. Kirk & V. Wolters (eds.): Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity - A challenge for society. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Berlin, 1-4 December 2003. PT-DLR Environmental Research, Bonn. 74-75.

Hopp, P., Bihn, J.H., Höfer, H., Marques, R., Ottermans, R. & Roß-Nickoll, M. (2007): Recovery of litter-dwelling beetle communities during secondary succession in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. International Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö), Bonn.

Hopp, P., Ottermans, R., Höfer, H., Marques, R. & Roß-Nickoll, M. (2008): Recovery of leaf-litter Beetles during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Marques, M.C.M., Bruel, B., Cardoso, F.G., Cheung, K.C., Liebsch, D., Leitão, F.M. & Zwiener, V. (2005): Restoration of Atlantic Rain Forest in Southern Brazil: the role of natural regeneration. The world conference on ecological restoration. Zaragoza. Resumo.

Moser, T. & Frankenbach, S. (2008): Nematods in forest soils of the Southern Mata Atlântica: Methodological adaptation and first results. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Peña, M.L.P. (2002): Indicadores microbiológicos de solo na avaliação de área degradada de Floresta Ombrófila da Terras Baixas no Litoral Paranaense, Brasil. Mestrado em Ciencia Agronomia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. 1-71.

Piazza, G.E., Marques, R. & Berté, L. (2003): Entrada de cálcio, magnésio e sódio pelas águas de precipitação em Floresta Atlântica. 11 Evento de Iniciação Científica da UFPR: 237.

Piazza, G.E., Berté, L. & Marques, R. (2003): Dinâmica do Ca, Mg e Na no ciclo hidrológico em três áreas de sucessão secundária da Floresta Ombrófila Denda das Terras Baixas. Floresta Estadual do Palmito, Paranaguá, PR.

Rabeling, C., Verhaagh, M. & Garcia, M.V.B. (2004): Diversity and nest density of non-leafcutting, fungus growing ants (Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Attini) in an Amazonian rainforest and an agroforestry system. XIVth International Colloquium on Soil Zoology and Ecology, Rouen, France.

Raub, F. (2008): What can soil arthropods indicate at different taxonomic levels in tropical agro-ecosystems? – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Rocha, A.A., Corrêa, D.R., & Graff Neto, J. (2002): Concentração e conteúdo de nutrientes em frações da serapilheira de floresta ombrófila densa das terras baixas no Paraná. FERTBIO. UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rocha, A.A., Marques, R., & Corrêa, D.R. (2002): Decomposição de serapilheira em fases sucessionais de floresta atlantica no Paraná. Evento de Iniciação Científica da UFPR, 10. UFPR, Curitiba, Paraná.

Rocha, A.A., Marques, R. & Cintra, A.P.U. (2003): Dinâmica da decomposição e liberação de nitrogênio de duas espécies arbóreas em Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas no Paraná. VI Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, 2003, Anais de Trabalhos Completos. Fortaleza: Editora da UFC: 172-173.

Rocha, A.A., Marques, R. & Höfer, H. (2007): Acumulação de serapilheira em três tipologias da Floresta Atlântica no Paraná. XXXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo, Gramado.

Rocha, A.A., Schmidt, P., Dickow, K.M.C., Marques, R. & Höfer, H. (2007): Decomposição foliar de Tibouchina pulchra Cogn. em tipologias da Floresta Ombrófila Densa no Paraná. XXXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo, Gramado.

Rocha, R., Marques, R., Souza dos Santos, A. & Santos, G.P. d. (2006): Respiração microbiana de amostras de solo sob diferentes condições de armazenamento. 14 Evento de Iniciação Científica na UFPR, 2006.

Römbke, J. (2004): Naididae in soil ecosystems, with special emphasis on a Brazilian rain forest site. FERTBIO 2004, Lages.

Römbke, J., Schmidt, P. & Höfer, H. (2008): Abundance and biomass of peregrine earthworms in soils of different land use forms of the Southern Mata Atlântica. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Souza dos Santos, A., Förster, B. & Guerra, J.F. (2004): Characterization of the microbial in sítu metabolic activity in soils of secondary forests of the Mata Atlântica. FERTBIO 2004, Lages.

Scheuermann, L., Raub, F. & Höfer, H. (2008): Monitoring spider diversity to assess the potential of secondary forests for biodiversity conservation in the southern Mata Atlântica. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Schmelz, R.M., Römbke, J. & Collado, R. (2008): Good Taxonomic Practice in ecological studies with enchytraeids. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Schmelz, R.M., Römbke, J. & Collado, R. (2008): Towards a characterization of eco-profiles of enchytraeids in Southern Brazil. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Schmelz, R.M., Römbke, J. & Collado, R. (2008): Enchytraeid distribution in different habitat types of Southern Brazil. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Schmidt, P. & Höfer, H. (2008): Field experiments managing soil fauna and soil fertility in a central Amazonian polyculture. – Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management of soil animals: Abstracts of XV. International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, PR, August 25-29, 2008.

Schwarzbach, J. & Marques, R. (2003): Composição química da solução de Espodossolo sob Floresta Atlântica no Paraná. 29 Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo.

Schwarzbach, J. & Marques, R. (2004): Dinâmica de nutrientes na solução de Espodossolo sob Floresta Atlântica no Paraná. FERTBIO 2004, Lages.

Sereda, F., Reissmann, C.B., Marques, R., Britez, R.M. d., Marques, M.C.M. & Medeiros, A.C. d. S. (2004): Quantificação de nutrientes em sementes e plântulas de guapuruvu e palmeira gerivá. – 12° Evento de Iniciação Científica.

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